Monday, April 21, 2008

The textbook helped me!!!

I must say our presentations with those behaviors cards were interesting. I’ve always thought how I would react to certain situation in the classroom like for instance a student throwing a pen across the room or a student kicking a desk. Well after experiencing at least a little bit I think I can handle it. Before my presentation I read a chapter for another class on classroom management and I tried to use some of those techniques I read about during my presentation and I must say they work. One of those techniques was a quiet stare, which tells that students you noticed and you think he should stop the behavior. I used it when on of my classmate kicked a desk and after my presentation was over he said that it was effective. Another I used was the use of proximity while in they class was in-group activity if I noticed they were speaking about something that nothing to do with the subject. Overall I think that the textbook was extremely helpful where in most cases text books are not practical this one was.


Dr. Luongo said...

You never know when a textbook will actually help!

Your stare (also known as a glare) was a great technique.

Overall, you did very well with the behaviors!

You are going to be a terrific teacher, Isaac.

Dr. Ayala said...

Isaac, I like the way you incorporate ideas from different courses and experiences into your discussions/posts. In my class, you bring up points you learned from SE 370 as well as your field experiences and courses. It's great to see.